(sigh...sad mode on)
How I would love to spend Pasko in the Philippines! At least there, Christ is not taken out of Christmas (at least for most, I believe). And "Merry Christmas" is not called "Happy Holidays." And Christmas carols are played over the radio on the "ber" months.(sigh and huge pout)Christmas parties, exchange gifts, Kris-Kringle, Monito-Monita. Santa Claus, Christmas trees, socks, Noche Buena, cold Christmas mornings.
Here? Christmas is NOT Christmas. It is the summer holidays. This is how we spend Chirstmas Day (Ooops, should be December 25...hope the Political Correctness Police don't know how to read blogs):
(photo from ShaneMacdonald.org)
Yes, as unbelievable as it is, we spend the day at the beach. Not at home to wait for inaanaks complete with left over food from Noche Buena and well-thought-out presents. Not even at friends' houses to chat the day away. Definitely not those.
December is one of the hottest months in Australia. Some days would reach up to 45deg. And it isn't the same heat as what we have back home. Here, you can actually feel the sun trying to peel through your skin, and I imagine, if we are just made up of combustible material, we'd have bursted quite easily like those LPG-converted cars (or DELL batteries, hehehe). No wonder a lot of Aussies develop skin cancer.
Suffice it to say, Christmas at the southern hemisphere, in a multicultural country, is totally different from what I have been brought up to believe. Christmas is supposed to be characterised by snow, beautiful white surroundings, chimneys with fresh dust from Santa Claus' early morning visit, of "people making lists, buying special gifts, taking time to be kind to one and all...It's the time of year when good friends are near, everywhere, there's an air of Christmas joy." Nobody said that in other parts of the globe, they celebrate the Christmas season with a barrage of political correctness agendas with beers and barbies along the beach!
(sigh and pout again) I think some kind of cultural shock is taking its toll on me. Or maybe I just miss home.
Which reminds me, I ought to book for a ticket immediately! Otherwise, I'm a goner who won't experience Pinoy Pasko until next year.