when flowers lie

flowers atop your cradle on high
like crowns of weathered royalties
attempting to be as blue,
infuse an aroma
of the sweet smells of spring,
forever entangled in odours unascertained
or do you, in truth, cover such disdain?

flowers atop your cradle on high
such beautiful petals you have.
to attract more of them ignoramus
who at times try to be ingenious.

and so you may,
while still sitting prettily
while still smelling sweetly
devour them

flowers atop your cradle on high

a flower
my cradle
on high,
i sit still
my beauty,
my fullness.

but i know
that red is really blue
and white is truly black.

and so i sit
and await
the innocent one
who will again
see me,
a flower atop my cradle on high

photo coutesy of
galleria carnivora

who would have thought?

You Are a Normal Girl

You are 50% Good and 50% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.

swoon moment